     Computer-related issues:
            Program library
                  Programs sdir and sdirstat
                  Programs splitpath and splitenv
                  Program chendl
            System administration:
                  Installation of cdma-modem
         Constitution of RF with subject index

Private homepage of Igor B. Smirnov

I will put here some small but useful programs, and eventually other materials of my interest.

I currently put here executable programs, that is source files which are to be compiled, linked and executed. They make some useful work. Most of them are designed exclusively for Linux or other Unix-like systems. Currently only one of them (chendl) can do useful work also at MS-Windows-based systems.

All programs are made by myself.

I have more programs, but do not have time to prepare all of them in a useful format. Similarly I do not have time to design this site more "professionally".

Possibly one day I might assign a name to this small program library, but currently I did not still innovated the name.

I also offer a useful generalized subject index to Russian constitution (as one of other items of my interest) and the constitution itself (all in Russian).

I can be reached by email at ibsmirnov at mail.ru

The page created 21.12.2008.

Last modified 21.12.2008.

Copyright (C) 2007, I. B. Smirnov.

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