     Computer-related issues:
            Program library
                  Programs sdir and sdirstat
                  Programs splitpath and splitenv
                  Program chendl
            System administration:
                  Installation of cdma-modem
         Constitution of RF with subject index


SPLITPATH: a tiny free-distributed UNIX (LINUX) program,
which formats in a readable way the content of PATH environment variable, and
SPLITENV: a small program, which formats the output of the whole setenv.

      The typical application of splitpath is
printenv | splitpath
See the simple example:
For the following "native" PATH:
shell> printenv PATH .:/home/username/scripts:/home/username/bin:/any_package /new/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
you will see the following formatted output:
shell> printenv PATH | splitpath

      The typical application of splitenv is
setenv | splitenv
For the following "native" (and drastically reduced if compared with real things) setenv:
shell> setenv
PATH=.:/home/username/scripts:/home/username/bin:/any_package /new/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin

the splitenv program will give you the following (but here at this www-page the indentation would not be looking perfect since I do not know how technically to make it as perfect as it is at textual terminal):
shell> setenv | splitenv
ANY_PACKAGE = /any_package/new/lib
PATH                     = .

The full splitpath manual in man-like format.
The full splitenv manual in man-like format.
The compressed tar-archive with both programs.

The current version of splitpath program is 1.1 and issued 17.12.2008. The current version of splitenv program is 1.1 and issued 17.12.2008. The (man-formatted) manuals of splitpath and splitenv are upgraded: 19.08.2008.
The page created 19.08.2008.
Last modified 21.12.2008.
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